Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Character Development ~APRIL 28

Reading Assignment for APRIL 28 :  Chapter 1-2

Describe at least 2 characters from the story, using evidence from the text to support your answer.

Your Comment Should Include:

First Name and Student #

A Shared Inquiry Response, that is free of grammatical and spelling errors.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Welcome to My Brother Sam is Dead ~ APRIL 25

This young adult novel, which successfully captures the pain of the Revolutionary War, is a fine example of historical fiction. The American Revolution was a war that divided families (English loyalists versus eager Patriots) and one of the families being torn apart is the Meeker family. Young Tim sees his 16-year-old brother join the militia to fight the British, while his father tries to remain loyal to the crown. Their hometown of Redding Ridge, Connecticut is a Tory town, and it is a constant struggle for the family to remain neutral. As the war progresses, Tim has to learn some very hard lessons: Life does not always follow the easiest and happiest course.