Monday, December 6, 2010


Reading Assignment for MAY 31-JUNE 2 :  Chapter 13-14

"When Tim pulls his father's bayonet off the mantel and begins to sharpen it, Mrs. Meeker says in a soft voice that he would get himself killed, and that he might as well, so that both her sons could go at once."  How would you feel if you were Tim?  How would you respond to Mrs. Meeker after she made this statement?

* Use evidence from the text to support your answer; include page numbers and quotes from the book

Your Comment Should Include:

First Name and Student #

A Shared Inquiry Response, that is free of grammatical and spelling errors.


  1. Kimberlyn 16c

    If I were Tim and Mrs. Meeker said that to me, I would be a little upset. She knows my mother and me are going through a hard time; Sam’s death was unfair and she should be more considerate of our feelings. I would also feel sad, because I think as if she wants me to die and that I don’t matter. Sam maybe dead, but Tim is alive.

  2. Teresa #4c

    If I was Tim and Mrs. Meeker said that to me I would probaly be a little upset. For one thing she knows thar me and Mother are going through some rough times, with Father dead and Sam getting killed. If I had to answer Mrs. Meeker I would probaly tell her that I was doing what I feel is right and there nothing she could do about it.

  3. Jake #24C

    If I was Tim and my mother told me me that I would feel very upset. I would soon get over it, because it seems like she is going into a state of depression and she probably wasn't aware about what she was saying. I would feel wierd answering such a statement, but I have to agree with how Teresa would have responded. If I knew something felt right in my heart, I would tell her that I was doing it and that the discussion was over.

  4. Emily #21c

    If I were Tim and my mom had said that to me I would have stoped what I was doing, hugged her, and not gone. This statement would have told me what I was walking into. Also I would't want to make my own mom feel that way.
